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Powerpoint - Add A Sound File To An Object
Powerpoint - Add Sound
Powerpoint - Animation Painter
Powerpoint - Animations
Powerpoint - Artistic Effects
PowerPoint - Backgrounds
Powerpoint - Backstage View
Powerpoint - Bokeh Backgrounds
Powerpoint - Charts
Powerpoint - Compress A Presentation
Powerpoint - Convert Video
Powerpoint - Convert Video Using Camtasia
PowerPoint - Converting Text To SmartArt
Powerpoint - Create A Quiz
PowerPoint - Create A Speech Bubble
PowerPoint - Create A Template
PowerPoint - Create A Theme
PowerPoint - Create Animated Backgrounds
PowerPoint - Creating Shapes
PowerPoint - Curved Text
Powerpoint - Developer Tab
PowerPoint - Embed Your Website
PowerPoint - Embed Videos From Your Hard Drive
PowerPoint - Embed Youtube Videos
PowerPoint - Extract The Background Image
PowerPoint - Formatting Video
Powerpoint - Handouts
PowerPoint - Hyperlink
PowerPoint - Insert A Table
PowerPoint - Insert An Excel Spreadsheet
PowerPoint - Insert Images
PowerPoint - Key Tips
PowerPoint - Make Sound Start Automatically
PowerPoint - Notes
PowerPoint - Open PPT Or PPTX Files
PowerPoint - Paste
PowerPoint - Calendars
PowerPoint - Transparent Text
PowerPoint - Viewer
PowerPoint - Presentation Views
PowerPoint - Remove The Background From An Image
PowerPoint - Rotating Text
PowerPoint - Save As PDF
PowerPoint - Selections
PowerPoint - Shapes
PowerPoint - Slide Layouts
PowerPoint - Slide Transitions
PowerPoint - Speech Bubbles
PowerPoint - Template
PowerPoint - The Ribbon
PowerPoint - Themes
PowerPoint - Clip Art
PowerPoint - Venn Diagram Template
PowerPoint - Video
PowerPoint - What Makes A Good PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint - WordArt

Powerpoint - Animation Painter

If you’ve used PowerPoint’s Format Painter before, you’ll find the Animation Painter strangely familiar. The animation painter is new to PowerPoint 2010. It copies existing animations and “paints” them on new objects. This means that the time you spend constructing a complicated animation doesn’t need to be duplicated for each object you want to apply it to. You create the animation once, and with a couple of clicks you can copy that animation to new objects.

When you apply an animation to an object, there are a variety of settings and adjustments to help you fine-tune it for a more polished effect. Being able to copy all those features can be a real timesaver.

Instead of rambling on about this new feature, let’s just use it in an example. Draw out an ellipse by clicking Insert > Illustrations > Shapes > Oval. OK, it’s an oval not an ellipse! Click and drag on the slide to drag out your oval.

Select The Ellipse

Let’s add an animation to the oval by clicking Animations > Animation (More button) > Bounce. Let’s add a second animation: select the oval again and this time click the Add Animation button (in the Advanced Animation group) > Spin. We now have both the Bounce and Spin animations added to the oval, and they’ll play in that order. If you’d simply selected a different animation from the gallery instead of using the Add Animation button, the new animation would have replaced the old one, instead of being added. You can tell that there are two animations present because of the telltale symbols displayed next to the oval:

Multiple Animations In PowerPoint

We can preview the animations by clicking on the Preview button in the Preview group. We’ll now alter the timings of these animations. Select the Bounce animation (the first one) by clicking the 1 in the image above. In the Timing group in the ribbon, change the Duration from 2.00 to 1.00. That’ll speed things up! Click the Preview button to see how fast it is now.

Currently, both animations are triggered by the presenter clicking the left mouse button. This is fine for the first animation, but let’s change the second animation to start when the first one finishes. That will make the animations look smoother. Click the Animation Pane button in the Advanced Animation group.

The Animation Pane In PowerPoint 2010

In the animation pane, double click the second animation. That’s the Spin animation. In the window that opens click on the Timing tab and change the Start drop down selection to be After Previous. That means that the second animation will start after the first one finishes. Click OK to close the window.

Animation Timing In PowerPoint

It’s only now that you decide to add a square to your slide, like so:

Draw A Square In PowerPoint

It would be a pain to have to manually add the same animations and options to this new shape. Fortunately, we can just copy them from the oval. Select the oval and then click the Animation Painter button in the Advanced Animation group. Now click on the square you drew. You should see a preview of the two animations: a quick bounce followed by a spin.