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Excel - What's New Excel 2010

With the introduction of Excel 2010, Microsoft are putting the focus on analysing data, visualising trends, and sharing the results. Along with enhancements to existing functionality made across the board, Excel 2010 comes with a few new features too.

New Features Of Excel 2010

  • Slicer – a filter enhancement for PivotTables that helps us to quickly and intuitively drill down and analyse data in our spreadsheet.
  • Sparklines – tiny charts designed to fit in a cell that help us to visualise trends in the underlying data.
  • Share - publish to a SharePoint compatible server. You and your colleagues can then work on the same worksheet simulatneously.
  • Conditional formatting – conditional formatting is much improved. It gives you more control over styles and icons, there are improved data bars, and you have the ability to highlight specific items in a few clicks. You also can display data bars for negative values to more accurately illustrate your data visuals.
  • Protected View for downloaded items – Excel 2010 prevents you from editing downloaded content without your consent.
  • 64-bit support – in fact, all of the Office 2010 apps offer 64-bit support giving you greater processing power.
  • Greater capacity – thanks to 64-bit support, the 2GB file size limit on previous versions of Excel is blown out of the water with Excel 2010. You can now work on files that have a staggering 4GB size.